Welcome to Profitable Performance$

Welcome to Profitable Performance$

Oct 08, 2023

Thanks for subscribing to the Profitable Performance$ Newsletter. The goal is to help you to put the PRO in PROFIT!

Who is Bob Miller and why is he talking to me?

The key to making money as a performer is to be professional in all ways.

For more than twenty years, Magic performances were my main income. Like many performers, I started out doing magic as a hobby and then as a part-time income.

What's the definition of a professional performer? Some would say it means you make your living mainly from performing. But I would say that a professional is just someone who's been doing it long enough to have made all the mistakes.

Be kind

In this newsletter and blog I'll share lessons I've learned over my years of experience.

The first lesson is always be professional.
That means:

1) Dream Big

Always have a Professional Attitude.    

You will become what you think about and spend your time working toward.
One of the benefits of watching other great magicians is Inspiration. Your vision of your future self will give you the energy you need to strive toward hard goals. Do you have written goals? What do you want to achieve by year 5, 10, or 15?
After you write down some big goals, work on each step needed to achieve them.

Dreams ---> Goals ---> Steps ---> Dreams Fulfilled!

2) Work Hard

Always be striving to improve in your profession.
Do you ever ask your customers for feedback after a show? Give them some way to tell you their opinion of your show. How else would you know if you're doing something they don't like.
Is your show exactly the same as it was five years ago? It might be a sign of stagnation.
Learn new tricks and routines. Practice new patter. Read magic books, magazines, and blogs. Attend magic clubs and conventions. After you think you've perfected a trick or routine, show it to other magicians and ask for honest critiques.

Work your Magic Muscles!

3) Be Kind

When a professional attitude impacts your behavior, you will be courteous, kind, helpful, and generous, even when the other person doesn't deserve it. Because there will be times when things will go wrong, when customers will screw you over, or treat you in a way that you didn't deserve. But it will not help your cause to ever express a bad attitude toward a client. Because bad actions and negativity will hurt your reputation.

Your reputation is like money in the bank. Word of mouth advertising is the best way to get hired. It's free! But it takes a long time to grow into a money-making machine.

Thought becomes Attitudes. Attitudes become behavior. Behavior becomes Life.